Sunday School @ 10:00 AM
Morning Meeting @ 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening @ 5:00 PM
Thursday Evenings @ 7:00 PM
5727 2nd Avenue Stock Island, FL
You can expect to find a warm welcome and personal assistance. You can expect the Bible to be taught and preached as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. You can expect enthusiastic singing of the great hymns of our faith. You can expect to find a church family that prays for each other's needs. You can expect to find a place to serve Christ in the ministry of this local church. You can expect to find a church advancing in the work that God has given it to do both in our community and around the world.
There is no dress code at The Southernmost Baptist Church for visitors or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in the traditional, "Sunday best." Our main goal is that you would feel welcome and at home on your visit to SBC!
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